Friday, October 22, 2010

The GOP's Health-Care Alternative

The GOP's Health-Care Alternative

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quantitative Easing

Quantitative easing is the Federal Reserves way of keeping the economy moving and trying to prevent it from collapsing. I believe this is the last trick the Government of The United States of America has up it's sleeve to keep this economy creeping along. I think it is to no avail! The Dollar is destined to collapse and when it does it will be fast and very painful to those who are not expecting it.

Quantitative easing is done so that the government can get the bankers to start lending money to business instead of the banks buying treasuries which is a safe bet for them since the economy is not doing so well. The Federal Reserve buys the banks toxic assets and in return the banker is to use that extra money to lend to business which in turn will jump start the economy. This is what the Fed hopes will happen but nothing is guaranteed.

Quantitative easing is basically the government monetizing it's own debt which are the toxic assets it buys from the banks. If this fails it could make things much worse and I don't think it's going to work America is too far in the hole financially. I predict a dollar collapse due to rampant inflation and then a world currency will follow because once the dollar collapses the worlds economy which is all tied together will come crashing down.

I hope this doesn't happen but it sure looks that way. Start preparing now to be self sustainable.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

America's Inflation Infatuation!

The American government is infatuated with inflating our money. They spend spend spend and print print print which is driving our dollar faster and faster in to the abyss of worthless currency! Our economy is being compared to what happened in 1920's Germany where their currency of the time the Mark was so over inflated that people where using the mark as fuel in their wood stoves because it was cheaper to burn their money than to by wood with it.
We in America are headed down the same road with no end in sight. The dollar and the economy will collapse if nothing is done soon and I mean soon. Once hyperinflation sets in as it did in Germany in the 1920's the end of the world's number 1 currency will be at hand and then the hard times are really going to hit home. The whole world will go into chaos and I believe this will set the stage for a world currency and with it a one world government. Many will say oh that never will happen I have been hearing that for years and it's never happened. The world has never been in as much turmoil financially and politically as it is now so I believe this is the road we are headed in.
What you can do to minimize the blow:
  1. Purchase Tangible Assets (Precious Metals)
  2. Stock up on non perishable food
  3. Get out of the stock market
These are the 3 things you can do now to minimize the affects of a dollar collapse.
As the saying goes
Prepare for Bad Times Only Know Good Times